February 3, 2010

Cast Member + Guest = Magic

It's a Magical thing...that place called DISNEY!!! I used to work there, did you know that about me? Bet ya didn't. This is a little insight into me.

I've been reading a few blogs lateley, not stalking, just reading and getting some insight into some other people just to get to know them a little better. I follow a blog called MomTog. It's a site for moms who love photography. And I read a post that you can read here about asking for comments on your own blog. I'm truly inspired by DrewB and her passion for her relationship with her clients. But this post got me thinking in a positive way. How can I help people get to know me better? Drew writes in this post and I'm quoting "If you notice, a lot of photographers who get a lot of comments are also photographers who tell the story of the clients. It gets people more emotionally invested in the pictures. You don’t have to be a great writer and it doesn’t have to be a novel. Just a few words about what makes your clients different and unique is enough." I want people to enjoy the experience they get when I take their pictures. I think there should be value in what a client is getting. How do you think the "Magic" happens at Disneyland? (I'm a CA girl, so "land" is where I call it) It's the behind the scenes stuff you don't see. It's past those doors that say CAST MEMBERS ONLY BEYOND THIS POINT. They want you to enjoy and fall in love with the fantasy.

I have been behind the scenes. Both at Disney and in the world of planning a wedding. I had the pleasure of helping several couples plan their day as a wedding coordinator for a few magical years in my life. And as the "Big Day" arrived it was sheer joy to start the day with the bride, see how she was feeling, pray with her, serve her and get her all the things she needed to feel like a Princess on her Magical Day. And to lighten the mood with a nervous Groom. Having brothers was very helpful in being able to joke with the guys and not feel stupid. So as the ceremony unfolded and the vows were said I felt like I was emotionally invested in this couple. That's the same way I feel about being a photographer. Weddings especially. I'm not just there to take your picture. I'm there to share your story with the world, or just your family, however you want to shout from the mountaintops. But I love getting to know you and spending time with you. I'm the person that always stays longer than I should because I love being around people.

So do I want you to leave comments on my blog? Not necessarily. Do I want you to get to know me better as a person? Of course I do. Because I want you to know who you're inviting into your life. All the fluff comes with it, the nice pictures and great service. Your needs matter to me because people matter to me. That sounds so corny..but it's coming from a genuine place in my heart...promise.

So in getting to know people better, I've met an amazing new friend in our world of photography because of a photo she posted on Dane Sander's Facebook page. She lives about an hour from me and we've connected like we've known each other our whole life. We met at the Atlanta Zoo for an afternoon together and had so much fun being silly and taking pictures like total tourists. Katrina Wheerler is an amazing photographer and I know she's an amazing friend already. She inspires me and pushes me to go beyond what I'm capable of. I'm glad I met her and can't wait to spend more time with her.


Anonymous said...

Michelle, I am so thankful for you and the amazing job you did coordinating our wedding (and make-up for all the girls!) Every detail went off without a hitch! You truly are a multi-talented person and it is so neat to see you using the gifts God has blessed you with. I hope someday you come back to visit and have some time to photograph our family:) I enjoyed reading your blog.

katrina wheeler said...

Love these pictures of the zoo, thanks for taking them of my logan and avalyn they look adorable!

Evelyn Perez said...

Aww...how sweet!!!! Love the pictures by the way.